Professional cleaning: Vital for our health and well-being

Professional cleaning is a key contributor to public health and well-being

Cleanliness and hygiene in any place outside the home would be impossible without the products and services provided by the companies that make up the professional cleaning sector. It is these companies – large and small – that make the detergent and maintenance products and services that help to ensure hygienic hospital equipment, safe food and beverage production, healthy public transport environments, and clean and pleasant offices.

Aspergillus sp., fungi spread in hospitals:

This can cause serious, even fatal infections.

Ebola virus (EV):

Causes Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever which has a very high fatality rate.

In large parts of the world, hygiene is still an ongoing challenge and many lives are lost every day due to unsafe water, poor sanitation and poor hygiene. In Europe, hygiene standards are relatively high, but outbreaks of diseases such as SARS, MRSA, Norovirus, Esteria, H1N1 Influenza, hospital acquired infections and Ebola underline the importance of securing good levels of hygiene as a first line of defence through prevention.

What’s special about professional cleaning products and services 

Companies in the professional cleaning market provide a wide variety of products and services for professional users who often have very specialised cleaning and hygiene needs.

  • Hygiene and safety
  • Tailor-made products and services
  • Service and training
  • Distribution and sales


Professional cleaning companies provide products that can have powerful cleaning and disinfection properties. Product safety is an absolute priority and stringent controls and regulations apply to the sector to help to ensure the safety of workers (human exposure) and of the environment (water, air, soil etc.). In Europe, the appicable regulations include among others the Classification, Labelling & Packaging, Biocides, the Detergents Regulation and REACH. Targeted occupational health and safety measures are often additionally in place and can vary according to specific custome needs and situations.


Efficacy and environmental safety are imperatives when it comes to professional cleaning products: products must be effective at doing the cleaning job they are designed to do while being as efficient as possible – in terms of the amount of product, water and energy needed – as well as, of course, safe for workers and the environment around them.

The industry has made considerable progress towards more sustainable cleaning solutions in three key areas in particular:

  • Controlled dosing
  • Concentrated forms
  • Delivery efficiency


Professional cleaning companies often work in close partnership with counterparts in complementary industries, including the professional textile services, cleaning services and machine equipment industries. Companies in the professional cleaning sector and their partners in these complementary sectors together deliver the cleanliness and hygiene that professional customers expect.

For more about professional cleaning, please see the AISE brochure.
